Years of Service to Oklahoma
Happy Oklahoma Clients
Tons of Steel in our Structures
Years of Experience

Our Work
We take great pride in our product. We strive to always give the customer what they want. Our reputation depends on having satisfied clients at the end of a project. Those happy customers are our best sales people. They will refer us over and over because we took care of them and gave them a quality building that will last a lifetime. We offer custom steel buildings that most of the competition can not produce. We are also very proud of the long term employees we have. Some of them have been with us over 18 years. Combined we have over 100 years of experience that we utilize to the best of our abilities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Since we’ve been in business since 1969 we’ve gotten a lot of questions over the years. Have a look and see if we’ve got an answer for you! If you don’t see what you’re looking for don’t hesitate to send an email or give us a call!
Do you pour the concrete?
Yes we do. We will pour the footings, the floor and any outside concrete you might need.
Do you finish out the interiors of the houses?
We typically only finish out on commercial projects. Although we will put you in contact with some reputable interior contractors.
Are your buildings engineered?
Yes our buildings are engineered to Oklahoma’s required codes.
Are your frames weld up or bolt together?
The frame we manufacture is a welded structure. However, we do install bolt up structures as well.
Are your frames “Red Iron”?
Red Iron typically refers to what the industry calls Rigid I-Beam that is painted a red primer color. Although our frame is a red primer color, it is not a Rigid I-Beam.
What gauge metal do you use?
We use #1 – 26 Gauge metal with a 40 year warranty for everything except trim which is a 29 gauge material.
Are your frames made from wood?
No, we are a steel frame only builder.
Are you restricted to common sizes?
No, we are a custom builder and build to suit. However, we do offer common sizes as well.
Do you offer kit buildings?
No, we are not set up to supply kits.